Your #1 Competitor…

Recently I’ve noticed reps and companies spending a lot of time worrying about their competition and trying to figure out what they’re doing or how to defend against them, etc. I don’t know why but I’ve never really worried too much about competition. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t ignore competition but I find focusing […]

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Let’s Keep Talking

The feedback from the recent “We Need to Talk” webinar was so positive that we wanted to summarize some of the key points we discussed, share the resources we’ve compiled and keep the conversation by introducing the Slack community we’re building called Sales Done Right. The focus of the webinar was about elevating the profession […]

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Impeccable Honesty

I remember reading a study done by Harvard a while back (that I can’t find any more for some reason) on the characteristics of the top 1% of sales professionals in the US. There was one that stuck out to me since it’s usually not associated with sales professionals but it is something I strongly […]

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