Stop complaining

Few things are more frustrating than people who constantly come up with problems but never come up with solutions.

Few things are more frustrating than people who constantly come up with problems but never come up with solutions.  You know the type, they’re the ones who are always complaining about everything – change in commission plans, bad territories, bad economy, the customer is an idiot, the competition screwed them, their product’s price is too high, the other guy gets all the breaks, and so on and so on and so one.  It’s not bad to identify problems but for god’s sake please come up with a solution every once in a while.  No one likes to be around complainers or negative people.

Every time we face a problem we should think about how we can fix it or turn it into a positive before we open our mouths and complain to someone else about it.  Even if the ideas we come up with to solve the problem are not the greatest, at least they show we’ve put some effort into thinking about them which makes people’s willingness to help far greater.

Don’t be known as a complainer. There are enough complainers and negative things happening in the world right now.  And by the way, news flash – no one cares anyways. Be known as a problem solver and one who approaches things with a positive mindset to find solutions. Happy selling!